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Just add a paginate: true entry to your front-matter:

title: Test post
layout: post
date: 2017-12-15 22:33:44
paginate: true

or set auto to true in your _config.yml:

  auto: true

Note that using auto mode might be slower on your machine.

You may also override _config.yml settings for a particular file like so:

title: Test page
layout: page
  permalink: '/page:numof:max.html'
  single_page: '/full.html'

You don’t need to specify paginate: true if you already have paginate_content in your front matter.

Splitting content

How your content is split depends on your separator:

Manual mode

If your separator is "<!--page-->", just put that wherever you want a split to occur:

This is a page.
This is another page.

HTML header mode

If you set your header to “h1” up to “h6”, your files will be split at those headers. Both the standard atx and Setext formats are supported – the former uses 1 to 6 hashes (# to ###### ) at the start for <h1> to <h6>, while the later uses equals-underscores for <h1> and dash-underscores for <h2>

For example, if your separator is "h1":

# Introduction
This is a page.

This is another page

## Point 1
This is not.

Point 2
Neither is this

But this is.

At this time, you’ll need at least 4 dashes for Setext-style <h2>. Note that Setext only supports <h1> and <h2>.

Page headers and footers

Anything above your configured header string will appear at the top of the generated pages. Likewise, anything after your footer string will appear at the bottom.

This is the header

This is a page.
This is another page.

This is the footer.

If you split your links like so:

This is a [link].


make sure you put these referenced link definitions below the footer so that references to them will work across pages.

Minimum page length

You may set the minimum length (in characters) using the minimum property in _config.yml or your front-matter. Should a particular section be too short, the next section will be merged in, and so on until the minimum is reached or there are no more pages.

Note that this length includes markup, not just the actual displayed text, so you may want to take that into consideration. A minimum of 1000 to 2000 should work well.

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